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1 on 1 Skills Session Issues

If you need skills more on a schedule you prefer or can do versus what is posted on the skills calendar in your course, we MAY can set up 1 on 1 skills for you. However, this does cost extra per session unless you can get with fellow students in your course blog or elsewhere and generate a group of at least 3 students cleared to do skills and can do them on the same date(s). You must email or message Jane (Program Director) with your request, site, some choices for possible dates, and if it is just for you or if you have other students interested. If only 1 or 2 students, we must charge 1 on 1 fees.  The fee is currently $300 plus 3.2% processing per session.

Due to the IV sticks, blood draws and new NREMT portfolio requirements, if you wish to schedule one on one skills for P1 or P2 sessions, you will either be required to bring an assistant with you who is certified as at least an EMT and is willing to be your team partner and to be stuck by you OR you will need to discuss this with us during date discussions because the instructor will have to check availability to provide one for the session from our end. If we provide, you will need to bring $100 cash per day for this service to be paid straight to the assistant.

Be aware that if you bring your own helper and he/she is not an EMT (or at least has been that or higher in the past), it will affect your ability to pass the scenario and some skills stations.