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Deadlines and Course Access

Attention ALL students:  When you receive your course access email, it states what your didactic and/or overall deadlines are for your course for which you are enrolled. If you are in Paramedic, it gives you deadlines for P1, and then your deadlines for P2 when you get access to P2.  These deadlines are set for …

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Proctored Exam Policy Change EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!

Due to the fact that our exam calendar has been consistently full for the last couple of months because of students who have been scheduling themselves for the same exam in multiple exam slots for WHATEVER reason or rescheduling themselves for a different exam slot without sending a support ticket to support@percomcourses.com to cancel a …

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Cheating and Sharing Tests and Test Questions – READ THIS NOTICE

As is posted in our Student Handbook, cheating or helping others to cheat is strictly banned and enforced in our program.  Recently, it has become more evident that students from various programs across the U.S. have been helping others by copying and pasting test questions to sites online to help others to cheat.  We did …

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Paramedic Program Order

There still appears to be some confusion occasionally about the ORDER of what to do when you are in the Paramedic Program.  Here it is step by step:  Following enrollment, you must read all Announcements, Archived Announcements, Newsfeed Posts, and Blog Posts for your course and watch them weekly for new Announcements/Posts. Also watch for …

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Cheating or Helping Others to Cheat

These courses are designed to be used as a method for each student to gain certification with national and/or state licensing authorities and professional stature in the EMS community.  Cheating, helping others to cheat, plagiarizing or breaching copyright by sharing or posting exam or homework questions/answers or published course or textbook materials to others and/or …

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PATT for AEMT or Paramedic NREMT Psychomotor Exams

NREMT now has a new policy for AEMT and Paramedic testing candidates for the psychomotor exam. The new policy requires that the Program Director for the school mark candidates clear for the psychomotor portion of the certification exam at nremt.org. This means the following: 1. You must successfully complete all the way through skills testing …

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Final Field Internship Team Leads – IMPORTANT P2 Students

The accrediting body has changed standards again and updated what can constitute a “Team Lead” for Final Field INternship which is what PERCOM calls it’s “capstone” experience in rotations. This is effective immediately. Standard III.C.3. Curriculum The interpretation has new language that states: “To be counted as a Team Lead the Paramedic student must accompany …

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