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Participation and Deadline Warnings

Many of you will be seeing emailed notices about your participation, didactic deadlines, or final overall deadlines. These are being generated by a member of our staff who knows nothing about you or your personal situation; she works entirely off the course roster and the log in tracking system on this website. If you receive …

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Stroke Evaluation Using RACE

Please copy and paste this link into a web browser url line and go read this JEMS article regarding recent research into the evaluation of strokes by prehospital personnel using the RACE evaluation tool. http://www.jems.com/articles/2016/08/a-paradigm-shift-in-ems-evaluation-of-stroke.html

1 on 1 Skills Session Issues

If you need skills more on a schedule you prefer or can do versus what is posted on the skills calendar in your course, we MAY can set up 1 on 1 skills for you. However, this does cost extra per session unless you can get with fellow students in your course blog or elsewhere …

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Course Completion

When you complete what you think is your final clinical or field rotation requirement be SURE to message or email the Clinical Coordinator, Tammy Williams, in this system or at clinicalcoordinator@percomonline.com . Let her know you think you are done so she will move your grading up in the Que. If she determines you have no further …

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EMSTesting.com and NREMT Testing Issues

Please be aware that the emstesting.com testbank and NREMT’s certification testing testbank are based on the CURRENT EMS textbooks (what is the MOST common answer for something in MOST of them) and current PHTLS. In PERCOM, we also teach you NEWER standards that have come out and are based in research that are not always …

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Rotation Behavior and School Expectations

We have had some students in rotation settings who have been not representing themselves to the standards expected of PERCOMOnline, Inc. and PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium students. ALL students are expected to represent themselves and the school in a professional, mature, and positive manner at all times. Students should ask where they should wait …

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Warning about Cheating!

Students who cheat on completing course materials or on clinical paperwork or data submissions (fraudulently documenting hours, shifts, contacts, skills, preceptors, preceptor evaluations, etc.) are subject to severe disciplinary action up to and including possible expulsion from the program and a report filed with your state EMS certification or licensing office. Also, if the tuition …

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NREMT Application and Fee Issues

Effective January 1, 2015, Authorizations to Test (ATT) for National EMS Certification will be valid for up to 90 days from the date of issuance, provided all other requirements for National EMS Certification are met. Candidates who do not complete their cognitive examination prior to the expiration date will be required to complete a new …

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Course Deadlines and Extensions

Every student has a set deadline by which he/she is to complete didactic through final exam and the final deadline to complete EVERYTHING in the course through skills testing, clinical and field rotations, and final field internship (P2). This deadline was stated in the initial course access email you received. While we try to work …

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Platinum Planner for Skills and Rotations Data Entry and Documentation

For tracking skills competencies as well as scheduling and submitting paperwork and documentation for rotations, PERCOM now uses Platinum Planner. You are required to enter all your skills competency data with this system and will receive an message with instructions prior to your first skills practice session. If you do not receive this message with …

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