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Important Information about Scheduling Rotations

The process of scheduling students for clinical and field rotations isn’t easy and takes time. That is why we advise you to start sending all your clinical and field requirements soon after you enroll the course. It can take up to SIX weeks to schedule your rotations because hospitals and EMS sites don’t always get back to us right away. Sometimes it takes multiple phone calls and emails to get one rotation scheduled. Sometimes we don’t get approval until the day before or even the day OF the rotation (if it is scheduled to be later in the day). So PLEASE remember that when you send requests for dates for your rotations, those are dates you are saying you WILL be available and watch for those emails from your Clinical Scheduling person and
from Platinum showing that your request is approved and plan accordingly.

Also do NOT wait until you are scheduling your Skills TESTING Session(s) or afterwards to begin sending in your clinical documents. Waiting will cause unavoidable delays for you.Please plan accordingly and don’t set yourself up to be under the gun to finish before your deadline but making it impossible for the Clinical Faculty to help you meet it. They cannot force sites to respond more quickly and since many of them require 30 days or more advance notice to even consider the requests, it means you have to plan.

Please be respectful and understanding.  While Mrs. Williams tries to arrange rotations with less notice than listed above when possible, it is very difficult and time consuming and creates stress for you and for her without enough notice.  If she can’t do it, she will tell you and you should try and understand that there is only so much she can do without proper notice.  And even WITH proper notice, sometimes it is very difficult to get sites to send back approvals in a timely manner. So please be patient and professional and give her as much notice as possible.