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NREMT or TDSHS EMT Certification Renewal MANDATORY for P1 and P2 Students

For ALL AEMT and Paramedic students, remember that you must keep your current NREMT EMT or AEMT or TDSHS EMT/AEMT/Intermediate on file with us while you are in this program, as well as a current AHA Healthcare Provider CPR card. The P1/P2 courses DO count for CE as long as you have completed the A&P component and through Lesson 14 and all associated assignments in P1 or through Lesson/Chapter 20 and all associated assignments in P2. For NREMT, you will need to go into your account and enter PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium Paramedic Program as the topic and the sponsor with the minimum needed hours for each topic and category all the way down.

If you are associated with an EMS service who has a Training Officer with an NREMT account for that service to verify CE, you can message Jane Dinsmore for a letter verifying that you are currently enrolled in our program and have completed enough of the assignments to meet or exceed the requirements. The Training Officer can use this to verify your NREMT entries. If you are NOT associated with a service who can do this, you can apply to join PERCOM’s school inside your NREMT account as the agency. You need to message Jane Dinsmore to let her know so she can accept you. Fill out the categories and topics as listed above. When you have all your requirements in, message her so she can go in and verify and approve as the Training Officer.

Be aware we cannot claim hours for you that you have not completed, and we will verify how much of the course you have completed. Also, if you allow your NREMT EMT/AEMT or TDSHS EMT/AEMT/Intermediate or your AHA HCP CPR to lapse, you will barred from completing the program. You may NOT scheduled or attend clinical or field rotations if they are not current and can be held in violation of state law if you do so. IT MUST stay current so do NOT forget to renew your certifications.