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Pharmacology Qualifying Exam Issues

We were reviewing test attempts on the Pharmacology Qualifying Exam and it appears that quite a few students fail this proctored exam one or more times.  The exam has been validated for quite some time, is straightforward, and was even tested on a 10th grade High School student who knew nothing about Pharmacology.  She passed it with a 100, first attempt. it is all straight 8th and some 9th-10th grade level math.  The questions are structured to put the math into real life type scenarios that Paramedics must be able to solve but it is still just math.  On further review, it was discovered that VERY FEW P2 students use the Pharmacology Practice Quiz feature at the bottom of the Pharmacology Module prior to taking the Pharmacology Qualifying Exam.  We feel that this Quiz is VITAL for you to practice and become comfortable with these calculations and will help you identify areas that you may even need outside tutoring or help with from others BEFORE scheduling the Qual Exam.  So PLEASE don’t just mark this feature complete and move on. Use it!! It is there for you to help you.