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RSVP for Skills Issues

PLEASE do not RSVP for your skills sessions if you are NOT eligible. It causes us to have to verify and determine you are not eligible and then email you back to explain why you are not eligible.  With so many students who are all in different places in all the programs that we manage, our time is very restrictive. We want to optimize our time to do the best we can for all students. So remember the following requirements for skills RSVP’s and if you have questions, first go to your coursework and read the Skills Syllabus for your course. Instructions are contained in that document as well as the Student Handbook (that you can find posted in the links at the bottom of this site).

EMT – You must take and PASS the EMT final exam to be eligible to RSVP for your EMT Exit Session for skills.

P1 -You can RSVP for the FIRST P1 skills practice as long as you have completed all reading, homework (and graded and posted), and exams through the Patient Assessment Module. You may NOT RSVP for any further sessions until after you take and pass your P1 final exam.  If you are continuing on to P2, you can complete those other two sessions while working on P2 didactic.

P2 – You can RSVP for the FIRST 2 skills sessions after you have taken and passed both the Pharm and ECG Qualifying Exams.  You may NOT RSVP for any further sessions until after you have taken and PASSED your P2 final exam.

These guidelines are set up to ensure maximum benefit for your learning and application for your program.  And remember, you cannot do rotations until after you have passed your skills testing for the applicable course. So be sure to optimize YOUR time and send in ALL your clinical paperwork requirements and do your drug screen while you are doing skills or while you are waiting on your skills session (for EMT). The drug screen must be completed within 30 days of rotations and it takes at least 30 days notice for Mrs. Williams to schedule your rotations due to site notice requirements we have to meet. So plan accordingly.