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School Related Issues During Pandemic and Your Completion

April 8, 2020 at 12:33 p.m.

Students in EMT, AEMT or Paramedic we are working on plans on methods for you to complete as many rotations as possible through various methods during the upcoming weeks and months. This will be a short term situation but any credits you gain during this period will count toward your overall rotation requirements. Watch the Student Forums (under the My Courses link at the top of this site) for the upcoming policy posting and opportunities to meet requirements. Be aware that we will be focusing on students who are in rotations and who have completed much or most of their rotation requirements FIRST and developing opportunities for them first. Then other students in rotations, then students who have been cleared for rotations but have not or been able to schedule. Students who have the opportunities to rotate at sites still allowing students should take THOSE opportunities FIRST and leave other types of opportunities for students who cannot do the same. Please be patient and watch the Student Forums for these Announcements. This can take a few days. Thank you.

Jane Dinsmore