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Tablet PC Loans for Rotations

Remember, if you are issued a tablet PC from PERCOM for use during your rotations, you have signed an agreement with us that states that you WILL return the tablet without having downloaded any other software or items to it, have not introduced any viruses or other damaging software in any way, have not exceeded the amount of data per month listed in the agreement (which also means you cannot watch streaming videos on it), have not damaged the tablet or its accessories in any way, and that the entire tablet, its accessories and box it was contained in are shipped back to Mrs. Carson as directed in her email when she issues it to you with the appropriate insurance and tracking.  If this is not done, you will be charged for the tablet or missing accessories or overages and must pay that invoice prior to being able to be marked clear for NREMT or receive a course completion certificate.  The tablet and accessories are on LOAN to you – they do not belong to you.  If you are dropped from the program (or complete) and do not return the tablet and accessories as directed or, if it is lost in shipping or damaged by the shipper and the appropriate insurance claim and payment is not directed to PERCOM, we will be forced to file theft charges against you with the City of Abilene Police Department.  We know this sounds harsh but we have been having some trouble recently with tablet returns, and we thought maybe a post here would help clear up any confusion over the tablet PC loan.  We don’t mind loaning them out for your convenience, and we have numerous ones kept available for this purpose. But please remember you must return it to us when your rotations are complete as directed and in good working order.  If you are in AEMT rotations and plan to complete through Paramedic with us, you MUST return the tablet when you are done with your AEMT rotations and can have one reissued to you when you start Paramedic rotations.  Thank you.