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Program Mission, Objectives, & Outcomes

Program Mission

PERCOM’s (PERCOMOnline, Inc. and PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium) primary mission is to prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.

To achieve this mission, it is also necessary to provide high quality educational opportunities to other levels of EMS certification including EMS Instructor, First Responder, EMT, and EMT-Advanced. PERCOM strives to ensure that competent, entry-level students at all levels graduate, become certified or licensed and move into patient care jobs and volunteer positions that continue to be desperately needed in the community.


1. Maintain current TDSHS program approval status.

2. Maintain current CAAHEP accreditation approval status.

3. Continue to work cooperatively with other EMS education programs to ensure student needs are adequately met.

4. Provide educational opportunities to students in need of non-traditional means to complete academic requirements for certification.

5. Continue to meet or exceed the National Paramedic NREMT passing average for NREMT registration examinations.


PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium strives to ensure that competent, entry-level students graduate, become certified or licensed, and move into patient care jobs and volunteer positions that continue to be desperately needed in the community. With a growing demand for qualified paramedics, this program provides a valuable opportunity for individuals looking to make a difference in the field of emergency medical services.



The program prepares it’s graduates to:

  • Demonstrate Individual Professional Behaviors Consistent With Employer And Community Expectations Of An Entry-Level Paramedic. (affective)
  • Demonstrate Technical Proficiency In All Of The Skills Identified For The Role Of An Entry-Level Paramedic.
  • Comprehend, Apply, And Evaluate Information Relative To The Expected Duties, Roles And Responsibilities Of The Entry-Level Paramedic. (psychomotor)

Expected Outcomes 

Students in the program will demonstrate:

  1. Cognitive knowledge level expected of an entry level paramedic and as necessary to function in a healthcare setting. (congitive)
  2. General medical knowledge expected of an entry level paramedic and as necessary to function in a healthcare setting. (congitive)
  3. The ability to collect data from charts and patients and appropriately interpret that data. (congitive)
  4. The ability to thoroughly assess a patient utilizing various diagnostic tools and procedures. (psychomotor)
  5. The ability to recommend appropriate therapeutic procedures and make sound patient care judgments as expected of an entry level paramedic. (congitive)
  6. The ability to perform a broad range of clinical skills, procedures and equipment. (psychomotor)
  7. The ability to communicate and interact effectively with non-clinical and clinical persons in various healthcare and scene environments. (affective)
  8. The ability to present oneself in an ethical and professional manner. (affective)
  9. The ability to manage time efficiently while functioning in a healthcare setting.
  10. The ability to use critical thinking skills to assess and treat patients in emergency settings.