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Skills Lab Policy for COVID-19 – Effective Immediately

April 17, 2020 at 1:32 p.m. Due to the current pandemic and social distancing recommendations that have been distributed by Governor Rick Abbott (Texas Gov.), TDSHS, and CDC, the following modifications are mandatory for EMT, P1/AEMT and Paramedic skills labs for PERCOM students. Students are required to RSVP normally and by the posted RSVP deadline. …

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Reminder about Course Requirements and Order of Things

Date Posted: 2/20/2020 11:10 a.m. We want to remind ALL students that besides meeting deadlines and logging in weekly until ALL course requirements (skills, rotations, etc) are completed, that you also are REQUIRED to carefully read all the Welcome Information, Student Resources Module, Course Orientation Module, and look at all links on the right side …

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NREMT AEMT Psychomotor Exam Change

Students who plan to test NREMT-Advanced (AEMT) will now be testing slightly differently on IV and IV Bolus Medication stations. Previously, these stations were tested together – you started with a simple scenario, started the IV and then continued the same scenario on to pushing the correct drug and dosage for the “patient” in the …

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