Provided below is a complete price list for all services/products offered by PERCOMOnline Inc.
Prices on textbooks are approximate.
This list is subject to change without notice.
Tuition Pricing:
Tuition pricing does not include any discounts.
- EMS Instructor: $299
- EMT Program: $1,300
- AEMT Program: $3,750
- Advanced Placement for Paramedic (P1 Challenge): $500
- Paramedic Program: $7,500
- Paramedic 2 Program: $3,750
Additional Items and Fees
( * = Taxable Item )
* EMT Textbook: $159.99
* Anatomy and Physiology Textbook and Navigate 2 Access: $109
* Anatomy and Physiology Navigate 2 Access ONLY: $83
* Paramedic Primary Textbook Series: $350
* Paramedic Basic ECG Textbook: $139
* Pharmacology for the Prehospital Provider: $98.99
* Paramedic 12 Lead ECG Textbook: $69.95
(P1 and P2 testbank accesses are required for Paramedic students) EMT testbank access: $49.00 P1/AEMT testbank access: $66.50
Emstesting P2 testbank access: $97.50
(for all Advanced students) EMT lab and clinical tracker access: $30.00 Paramedic lab and clinical tracker access: $85.00
10 Panel Urine Drug Screen through cFirst: $37.00
* Extra Rotation Shirt (price varies by size) minimum: $26.00 + mailing cost
Remaining Uniform Needs (belt, shoes, uniform pants, etc. and prices vary) minimum: $200.00 (approximately)
Private Tutoring Fees (varies by the tutor) minimum: $25.00 per hour
cFirst Background Checks: Included initially in enrollment unless the student is international, which is an expanded fee that must be paid by the student. If student exceeded course deadlines and must have another background check for rotations, cost is minimum $50 but prices vary depending on student location, how many states lived in, and whether international.
“Fees” are more fixed in pricing and under the direct control of the Program. Prices are subject to change but currently enrolled students will be notified of the changes using the course platform mass communication methods (Blogs, Newsfeed, etc.)
Custom Quickbooks Invoice Fee – $15 per invoice
Shipping: $19.99 per order
*One on one Skills Session Fee: $309 per session
*Helper at One on one Skills Session (in cash to EMT helper): $100 per session
*Skills Session “No Show” Fee: $309 per session
*Rotation “No Show” Fee: $51.50 per shift
*Retesting Fee for Proctored Didactic Exams: $51.50 per exam
*Proctored Didactic Exam “No Show” Fee: $51.50 per exam
*Course Extension Fee: $103 per month
EMS Instructor Course Reinstatement Fee: $150
*EMT Course Reinstatement Fee: $206
*AEMT Course Reinstatement (if enrolled only in AEMT): $309
*Paramedic Course Reinstatement Fee: $412
*Rotation Nametag Replacement Fee: $16.00 + mailing cost
Tablet PC Overage (over 1 Gb per month) Fee amount charged by the wireless carrier to PERCOM will be passed on to the student.
Tablet PC Charger Replacement Fee: $32.00
Tablet PC Missing Original Box: $100.00
Tablet Reset: $20.88
* Tablet PC Replacement Fee: $309
Certified/Tracked Mail for Transcript to another School: $13.00
* Hard Copy Course Completion Certificate: $11.00 + mailing
* Damage to any skills or rotation equipment/supplies, actual costs, or amount damaged by student billed to PERCOM.
Please note that any outstanding tuition, fees, or charges will cause the Program to withhold marking students clear for NREMT testing or receiving a Program Course Completion Certificate until all outstanding charges are successfully cleared by student or student’s designated payer.
NREMT examination fees are not included in tuition and will be paid by the student after they have graduated from PERCOMOnline.
Cognitive Exams: Computer-based written exam at PearsonVue testing center.
- EMT Cognitive Exam: $104
- AEMT Cognitive Exam: $144
- Paramedic Cognitive Exam: $160