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Skills Lab Policy for COVID-19 – Effective Immediately

April 17, 2020 at 1:32 p.m. Due to the current pandemic and social distancing recommendations that have been distributed by Governor Rick Abbott (Texas Gov.), TDSHS, and CDC, the following modifications are mandatory for EMT, P1/AEMT and Paramedic skills labs for PERCOM students. Students are required to RSVP normally and by the posted RSVP deadline. …

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Skills Lab Updates for COVID-19

April 15, 2020 at 4:27 p.m. As it stands right now, we are still continuing with our skills labs for EMT, AEMT/P1 and P2.  The labs will remain no larger than 6 people.  However, we request that each of you be honest and try to avoid spreading exposure as much as possible.  If you have …

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Provisional Certifications and Working During the Pandemic

April 3, 2020 at 12:54 p.m. PERCOM AEMT and Paramedic students who have been marked clear to graduate from our program are potentially eligible to gain provisional certification from NREMT after taking and passing their CBT (computer based test). Then Texas, and maybe some other states, will allow you to function provisionally in that certification …

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Regarding the NREMT Provisional Certification Post

March 20, 2020 at 3:49 p.m. Folks, no this does NOT mean that you can get your provisional certification from NREMT without completing the necessary skills sessions and rotations for your educational program – PERCOM. They are doing this to help get people out working during this crisis who have completed all program graduation requirements …

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National Registry Board Approves Provisional Certification

March 20, 2020 at 1:09 p.m. Responding to the nationwide need for Emergency Medical Services personnel and the social-distancing public health guidance, the Executive Committee of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians gave emergency approval to add a Provisional Certification. The Provisional Certification will be automatically assigned to any candidate that (1) completes an …

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Overall Course Deadline Issues

March 16, 2020 at 9:10 a.m. If you are current and are enrolled in EMT, AEMT or Paramedic with us and have completed Final Exam, we are in the process of giving you a free two month extension on your overall course deadline due to issues with rotation sites cancelling or not scheduling students over …

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Character Representation Lecture Added to EMT, AEMT and Paramedic Courses

Posted 3/5/2020 at 12:25 hrs In the Program or Course Orientation Module of each class has been added a “Character Representation” lecture. It is in the section about how you are and will be graded on “affective behavior”. Please go back up to that module if you are already past it and review this lecture. …

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