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General Student Requirements

General Student Requirements

Potential students who wish to enroll in EMT, P1/AEMT, or Paramedic must meet the following requirements to be eligible to complete enrollment:

  • Review and be able to perform the TDSHS Functional Job Description for each level indicated in the document.
  • Students who have documented disabilities which might preclude them from being able to perform one of more items in the Functional Description must produce acceptable documentation with recommendations from a licensed healthcare professional in the appropriate field for review and consultation with the Program Director and Lead Medical Director of the program. Reasonable accommodations will be met that are accepted by both state and national licensing and accrediting autorities for the EMS professions.
  • Pass a background check which includes, but is not limited to, a country/parish, state, national, and/or international criminal history, sex offender history, healthcare fraud and abuse (GSA/SSA), and U.S. Patriot Act. Any “hits” on the background check will be forwarded for review and approval or denial to the Program Director, who may include: the Clinical Director, Dean of Admissions, and Medical Director in the approval process as indicated.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age ( or will be 18 years of age prior to course completion of the EMT course ). Applicants who are not at least 18 years of age at time of enrollment must have all agreements, statements, and contracts co-signed by a parent or legal guardian. Not all clinical and field sites will allow students below the age of 18 into their sites, so no guarantees for placement will be made for students under 18 years of age.