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Social Media Announcements

Please follow us on Twitter (Percomonline) and/or Facebook (PercomOnline Inc and PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium Alumni) for postings about events, issues, etc. We are branching more and more into social media and would love for you to participate.  Paramedic students, please follow the Alumni page after graduation for job opportunities, interesting CE opportunities, notices of post graduate and employer surveys, drawings, and other postings.

Also, be aware that PERCOMOnline, Inc. (aka PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium) does not claim any responsibility for and refuses to be held responsible for posts by its faculty, staff or students on any social medial forum that is not sponsored or run by PERCOMOnline, Inc. or PERCOM EMS Medical Eductation Consortium.  Posts by individuals on their own private Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social media accounts are the comments, statements, opinions, and posts of that individual and not the comments, statements, opinions, and posts of PERCOMOnline, Inc.,its management team, Board of Directors, Medical Directors, Faculty or Staff.