if ('undefined' === typeof _affirm_config) { var _affirm_config = { public_api_key: "MUWLH5CNQ9OWFRSB", script: "https://www.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js", locale: "en_US", country_code: "USA", }; (function(l, g, m, e, a, f, b) { var d, c = l[m] || {}, h = document.createElement(f), n = document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0], k = function(a, b, c) { return function() { a[b]._.push([c, arguments]) } }; c[e] = k(c, e, "set"); d = c[e]; c[a] = {}; c[a]._ = []; d._ = []; c[a][b] = k(c, a, b); a = 0; for ( b = "set add save post open " + "empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct" .split(" "); a < b.length; a++ ) d[b[a]] = k(c, e, b[a]); a = 0; for (b = ["get", "token", "url", "items"]; a < b.length; a++) d[b[a]] = function() {}; h.async = !0; h.src = g[f]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(h, n); delete g[f]; d(g); l[m] = c })( window, _affirm_config, "affirm", "checkout", "ui", "script", "ready" ); }

Mandatory Participation Requirement

To clarify, ALL students are required to log in a minimum of once a week, just like showing up for class. This is what we call “Roll Call”. And it is MANDATORY.You must then log into the percomcourses.com system and all the way into your primary course (EMT, P1/AEMT, Paramedic, EMS Instructor) to get credit for “attendance”. If you do not do this, you will most likely be dropped from the program for non-participation. If you are dropped, you can reinstate within 6 months of the drop date but will be charged a reinstatement fee. Interacting with the Clinical Coordinator, exam proctor, or skills instructors DOES NOT alleviate students of the mandatory participation requirement. Thank you!