if ('undefined' === typeof _affirm_config) { var _affirm_config = { public_api_key: "MUWLH5CNQ9OWFRSB", script: "https://www.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js", locale: "en_US", country_code: "USA", }; (function(l, g, m, e, a, f, b) { var d, c = l[m] || {}, h = document.createElement(f), n = document.getElementsByTagName(f)[0], k = function(a, b, c) { return function() { a[b]._.push([c, arguments]) } }; c[e] = k(c, e, "set"); d = c[e]; c[a] = {}; c[a]._ = []; d._ = []; c[a][b] = k(c, a, b); a = 0; for ( b = "set add save post open " + "empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct" .split(" "); a < b.length; a++ ) d[b[a]] = k(c, e, b[a]); a = 0; for (b = ["get", "token", "url", "items"]; a < b.length; a++) d[b[a]] = function() {}; h.async = !0; h.src = g[f]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(h, n); delete g[f]; d(g); l[m] = c })( window, _affirm_config, "affirm", "checkout", "ui", "script", "ready" ); }


If you need to get into a PHTLS course as a requirement for P2 graduation please contact Michal Leddy or Chris Gibson to see if they can get you scheduled for a hybrid course.   Michal Leddy: skills@percomonline.com or Chris Gibson: chris.gibson@percomonline.com

CHAT ROOM CHANGES — 10/17/2021

The Basic Chat will be held on Mondays at 7 pm CST starting 10/18/21. The Advanced Chat will be held on Tuesdays at 7 pm CST starting 10/19/21.   If you have any questions, comments, or requests for chat topics please email your instructor.   -Randi Lead Paramedic Instructor

New Student Notice!

Dec 2, 2020 Newly Enrolled Student Notice! Today, we had an error in a piece of software that may give new students issues when they reach the Orientation Quiz portion of their coursework. If this happens to you, please email support@percomcourses.com for assistance. We apologize for the inconvenience, and are working on the issue.

New Payment Processor Information

NEW Payment Processor Live Now!   We are no longer working with PayPal or their partners, and are now working directly with our bank as merchants for payment processing!   Also with this new processor, our website no longer saves credit card tokens, as all payments are processed directly through the Authorize.net servers.   Heads …

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