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Exam Scoring

Exam grades in our program are not RAW score exams. A raw score grading criteria means that if you have 10 questions, each question would be worth 10 points so if you missed 3, you would make a 70. Our exams are set on a cut score method using one of the nationally recognized exam setup and grading formulas.  This method actually weights questions differently based on the difficulty and discrimination of the question.  A question that has one correct answer and three “no brainer” wrong answers would be worth the least, while a question with one correct answer but three very close but not quite correct answers would be worth more.  It then weighs your responses across as well based on what other students in our program and nationally have responded to that question statistically as well.  This helps preclude guessing on an exam and still passing the exam even though you were just clicking answers.

PLEASE be sure you use the course exams (not counting the final exam) as they are intended.  They are evaluative but they are also LEARNING tools. If you don’t know the answer straight up or aren’t sure, go research the question and then come back to the exam and answer that question.  That is how these are intended to help you learn and study.  Do not simply answer the exam by guessing and then obtain the feedback and request to retake it to make a better score.  You are hurting yourself and this can lead to failure of the final exam (which is proctored), inability to perform adequately at the skills sessions or on rotations, or to fail the NREMT.  Thank you.