Online Paramedic Program – For NREMTP
Nationally Accredited EMS Academy
Have you have decided to pursue a career as a certified EMT Paramedic? If you are a NREMT or Texas licensed EMT, scroll down this page to learn more about our online paramedic program!
Not already certified as an EMT, please CLICK HERE for your pathway to Paramedic.
PERCOM Tuition and Fees information, click here…
PERCOM Yearly Calendar, click here…
How does it work?
Part 1: First, complete online coursework and proctored final exams for Paramedic 1 and Paramedic 2 courses.
(Up to 10 months to complete Part 1)
Part 2: Then, complete seven 1-day skills learn/testing sessions in TX.
Part 3: Last, complete clinical rotations at PERCOM clinical sites across the US.
(Up to 10 months to complete Part 2 and Part 3)
In summary, our hybrid/online Paramedic Program is comprised of audio lectures with real Instructors, instructional videos, live weekly online chat rooms, and live “in-person” training/testing sessions at PERCOM Paramedic skills and clinical locations. Minimum contact hours required to complete the program = 1208.95.
PARAMEDIC Program Requirements
Must Have:
- High School Diploma/Equivalent
- Valid Government Issued Identification Card
- Valid/ACTIVE NREMT or TX-EMT Certification
- Valid AHA BLS Provider Certification
- Nothing in the personal criminal background preventing work as a medical professional.
Other PARAMEDIC Program Requirements:
- Class signup At & (Included In Tuition)
- Paramedic Textbooks (NOT Included In Tuition)
- Broadband Internet Access
- Computer with Web Cam, Mic & Speakers
- Watch With Second Hand
- Stethoscope
- Certification Fees not included
- Travel/accommodation fees for skills & clinicals

Home-Based Paramedic Class System
Attend online Paramedic class from the comfort of home! Access our online coursework and chat rooms from most smartphones, tablets, and pc/laptops.
Open Enrollment
Enrollment happens, in general, within 5 to 7 business days of completing the online Paramedic program registration. However, this can vary depending on background check processing time. The 10-month didactic and 20-month overall program timeframes begin the day you are officially enrolled, as well as a weekly attendance requirement to login

Online Paramedic Course & Final Exam
Course Available 24/7
Our exclusive online Paramedic course content is a combination of open book exams, audio lectures, presentations, instructional videos, and homework assignments created by industry experts.
The Final Exam is given live by a PERCOM Exam Proctor by utilizing online webinar software from your home or office. This method allows the Proctor to explain the rules and administer the examination from within a secure, online environment.

LIVE “Hands-on” Sessions
Regularly scheduled skills labs consist of seven 1-day long live lab events: 5 Practice Labs; 2 Testing Labs. If regularly scheduled skills labs do not fit your personal schedule, then private sessions can be purchased and scheduled around your availability.
The session begins with familiarization of materials and equipment used specifically by Paramedics, and then quickly moves into the “hands-on” skills training with fellow students. We make it a priority to schedule skills labs on our calendar well ahead of time. Generally, we hold these sessions monthly for every course level. Our Lab Instructors are not just teachers; they’re full-time professionals actively working in the EMS field as ground Paramedics, Flight Medics, and more, ensuring they’re always aligned with the latest 911 care standards. To give our students the top-notch Skills Lab experience, we carefully align our lab schedules with our instructors’ work commitments.
Students are able to begin attending their Skills Sessions after completing the Patient Assessment section in Paramedic 1. By the time the student has completed through the final exam for Paramedic 2, only 2 skills sessions should remain.
Clinical Rotations & 1st Patient Contact
Utilize the nation’s largest Paramedic training clinical network, and also signup your local EMS provider or hospital inside a Regional Training State!
Clinical Coordinator ON STAFF to assist with your clinical scheduling!
Pre-Clinical Checklist:
- Physical form completed by your physician or clinic
- Copies/proof of the required immunizations
- Possibly other forms depending on clinical location
- 10 Panel Drug Screen within 30 days of rotations
- TB skin test within 6 months of rotations
Patient Contact
Your first contact with real patients in an advanced level begins! Track your clinical hours using

Certify as National Registry EMT-P
Once all Paramedic Program requirements have been completed & the student has received their Paramedic 2 Course Completion, they will then be ready to take the National Registry (NREMT) Cognitive Exam.
Scheduling the NREMT Cognitive Exam and Psychomotor Exam(not included in this program) is online and administered at a local Pearson VUE Testing Center.
Below this line are more in depth details about the each part of the Paramedic Program.
Online Paramedic Program Student Requirements
Each student will be required to meet a certain standard of performance to complete in this course. These requirements are as follows:
- Maintain valid American Heart Association BLS Providers certification
- Complete ACLS, PALS and PHTLS and submit certifications to instructor (through outside sources fees not included in tuition)
- Maintain valid and ACTIVE Texas EMT license or National Registry EMT certification
- Finish online course didactic and final exams for both Paramedic 1 and Paramedic 2 in 10 months
- Complete Paramedic 1 and Paramedic 2 skills sessions and clinical internship in 10 months
- If testing for AEMT certification, complete entire Paramedic 1 program in 9 months (including skills and clinical internship), then 11 months to complete Paramedic 2 program (including skills and clinical internship)
- Maintain an 80% Grade Average
- Login to website at least ONCE A WEEK to meet “attendence”
- Read and Monitor ANNOUNCEMENTS
- Participate in 6 Advanced Chat Room class sessions
- Complete 2 Hands-On Skills Practice sessions (Paramedic 1), and 3 Hands-On Skills Practice sessions (Paramedic 2)
- Successfully complete 2 Hands-On Skills Testing sessions (1 session per course)
- Complete all clinical hours and patient contacts
- Successfully complete Exit Interview Via Webinar With MD (Paramedic 2)
- Successfully complete a Skills Summative Psychomotor Exam (via video submission)
- Pass on All categories of “Affective Behavior” following overall review by the Program Director of all behavior evaluations and disciplinary actions
- Payoff all outstanding fees (including but not limited to: tuition, PERCOM tablet/equipment, PERCOM affiliates fees) before graduation will be allowed.
Additional Requirements to complete clinicals and EMS rotations:
- Must complete and pass another background check at student expense if over 1 year in the program before starting rotations and possibly if requested by a clinical or EMS site
- Must complete and pass a 10-panel urine drug screen within 60 days of starting rotations at the student’s expense (and may be required to repeat if requested by a site or if required due to possible breach of the school Drug and Alcohol policy)
- Must turn in all clinical paperwork requirements and drug screen within 60 days of first requested clinical or EMS rotation date.
- May request to rotate at any of the school approved rotation sites on the Site Map located inside the student account profile on
- May request alternate sites to be added by seeking out those site opportunities and gaining information for the Site Request Form and then submitted to the Program Director (only applies to states where approval is already granted by that state’s Office of EMS and with who there is an affiliated Assistant Medical Director and may NOT be limited to just that student)
- Must submit schedule requests through PERCOM/PEMEC Clinical Faculty once approved for scheduling and follow all scheduling requirements
- Must complete rotations under and at designated and approved preceptors and site and all EMS rotations and FFI are to be completed in 3rd rider capacity/extra staffing capacity (not as part of the regular crew) with approved preceptors at approved sites (can be the student’s place of employment IF the school has an affiliation agreement, required census information on file, and preceptors oriented/trained for that site)
Items Included in Tuition
- Background Check
- 7 PERCOM Scheduled (not private) Skills sessions
- Clinical Fees, Student Shirt & Name Badge, & Malpractice Insurance
- Class Fee
- Fee
Required Items NOT INCLUDED in Tuition
- 10 Panel Urine Drug Screening
- Primary Textbook – Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets 9th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1284256741
- ECG Textbook – Basic Arrhythmias with 12 Lead ECG, 8th Edition ISBN 13: 978-0134380995
- Pharm Textbook – Pharmacology for the Prehospital Professional ISBN-13: 978-1284041460
- ECG Textbook – The 12 Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes ISBN-13: 978-0323497893
- A&P Textbook – Anatomy & Physiology For The Prehospital Provider (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) 2nd Edition ISBN-13: 978-1449642303
- Stethoscope
- Wrist Watch with Second Hand
- Highspeed Internet Access
- Computer with working webcam, microphone, and speakers
- Re-Testing Fees
- Specialty Scheduled Skills Sessions
- Additional Exam Prep Materials
- Physical Form completed by your Physician or clinic
- Copies and/or proof of current immunizations required for program
- Health Insurance (can be short term policy for the term of enrollment)
Paramedic 1 Course Information
PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium
Course Description
This course is designed to be above and beyond the current National Registry standards for Advanced EMT (AEMT) certification. To be eligible to enroll in Paramedic 1, the student must be a certified EMT either with the National Registry or the state of Texas.
EXISTING AEMT’s! Click Here for the Paramedic 1 Challenge Program!
The course curriculum is available online at, and is a mixture of video, presentation, article type lessons spread across approximately 26 different chapters. At the end of the online didactic, the student’s knowledge is tested by a National Registry level standardized Final Exam. This exam is given online with a live test proctor through the use of a web meeting room (aka. webinar). This same webinar system will be used to attend live instructed chat room sessions with fellow students.
The student will have 5 months to complete the following:
- Online Didactic (approx. 26 Modules)
- Homework Assignments
- Research Exams
- Advanced Chat Room class sessions
- Paramedic 1 Final Exam
Paramedic Program students will move up to the Paramedic 2 course after completing the Paramedic 1 didactic and written final exam.
At this point, Paramedic Program students must postpone all rotation requirements until successfully complete through the Pharmacology and ECG Qualifying Quizzes and all preceeding course homework and exams, unless the student plans to test NREMT-Advanced. The Hands-On Skills Labs can be done while completing the Paramedic 2 coursework, or after, but must be completed before attending Paramedic 2 Skills Labs.
The Paramedic 1 Program is self-paced and allows up to 9 months to fully complete if the student is going on to test for certification at the AEMT level.
If testing for NREMT-A (AEMT) certification, the student will have the remaining 4 months to complete the following:
- Two Skills Practice Sessions (Live Instructor, Sites in TX)
- One Skills Testing Session (Live Instructor, Sites in TX)
- Clinical Requirements for PERCOM’s AEMT Course
- EMS – 72 Hours (and 10 transports BLS or ALS)
Hospital ER – 56 Hours Hospital
*OB or alternate location – 8 Hours
*Hospital OR or alternate location – 8 Hours
Total Required Hours – 144 Hours
Paramedic 2 Course Information
PERCOM EMS Medical Education Consortium
Course Description
This course is designed and kept up-to-date with current National Registry standards for Paramedic certification. To be eligible to enroll in Paramedic 2, the student must first complete the pre-requisite courses, Paramedic 1 and A&P. Paramedic 1 Challenge Program students enrolling in Paramedic 2 must complete the A&P requirement before scheduling the Pharmacology Qualifying Exam.
The course curriculum is available online at, and is a mixture of video, presentation, article type lessons spread across approximately 27 different chapters. At the end of the online didactic, the student’s knowledge is tested by a National Registry level standardized Final Exam. This exam is given online with a live test proctor through the use of a web meeting room (aka. webinar). This same webinar system will be used to attend live instructed chat room sessions and MD Round Table sessions.
Paramedic 1 students enrolling into Paramedic 2 will have 5 months to complete the following:
- Online Didactic (approx. 27 Modules)
- Homework Assignments
- Research Exams
- Advanced Chat Room class sessions
- MD Round Table Chat Room class sessions
- Pharmacology Qualifying Quiz
- Cardiology Qualifying Qualifying
- Paramedic 2 Final Exam
Within the remaining 10 months of the Paramedic program, the student will complete the following:
- 5 Skills Practice Sessions (Live Instructor, Sites in TX)
- 2 Skills Testing Sessions (Live Instructor, Sites in TX)
- EMS – -420 Hours AND minimum 30 transports (minimum 144 hours in Final Field Internship)
Hospital ER – – 148 Hours
*Hospital OB or alternative location – 8 Hours
*Hospital OR or alternate location – 8 Hours
Total Required Hours – – 584 Hours - Exit Scenario Interview via Webinar with Medical Director
- Skills Summative Psychomotor Exam (via video)
Students who have completed the Advanced Placement for Paramedic Program will have 11 months to complete all of the Paramedic 2 items above (minus 3 skills sessions and 168 clinical hours).
PARAMEDIC 2 COURSE TUITION (for Advanced Placement student) : $3,750
Anatomy & Physiology Course Information
DISCLAIMER! Students may take this A&P program required here on this webpage before enrollment in the AEMT or Paramedic programs if they choose. However, they must enter this course ID when setting up the course on Navigate 2 to be able to take the correct exams and correlate the grade report with PERCOM. The course ID is F563F5.
If you have already completed A&P I & II, then provide a copy of your transcript to our Program Director prove this, and will allow you to skip the course portion. You will still be required to complete the associated A&P Final Exam via the “Navigate 2” system online to gain full credit towards this requirement unless otherwise directed by the Program Director.
Please NOTE: The cost of this course is covered if you purchase the textbook with the course access code as listed below. It is delivered through a separate course platform provided by Jones and Bartlett in their Navigate 2 system. You just have to produce the grade sheet in .pdf format to your instructor using the approved homework upload feature to prove you passed the course (or passed the final exam if Challenge approved by Program Director) for credit.
For Students Who HAVE NOT Completed A&P I&II Previous to Enrollment:
- Purchase of New Textbook that contains Navigate 2 Access – Cost Range $60-$90 *Prices Vary Online*
- Complete course and Final Exam in Navigate 2
- Submit your Final grade report to your assigned instructor
For Students Who HAVE Completed A&P I&II Previous to Enrollment:
- Purchase Navigate 2 Access – Cost Range $50-$60 *Prices Vary Online*
- Complete Final Exam in Navigate 2
- Submit your Final Exam grade report to your assigned instructor

Anatomy & Physiology For The Prehospital Provider (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1449642303
First, each new print copy of Anatomy & Physiology also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data.
Secondly, this world-class medical content to properly assess and manage a patient, a prehospital provider must have a solid foundation in human anatomy and physiology.
Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Second Edition, uses a systemic approach to building this foundation. It begins by providing an overview of the basic systems of the human body and then explores each system in detail chapter by chapter, delivering a thorough discussion on the system’s anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Accordingly, the Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider Second Edition is an effective and engaging learning experience.
Particularly strong application to Real-World EMS Progressive patient case studies evolve throughout every chapter, offering the learner a genuine context for the application of the knowledge presented. This approach undoubtedly shows the learner how all of the information will be used to help patients in the field.
The Second Edition content includes: New section on the basics of chemistry Expanded section on joints Expanded content on muscular physiology Updated illustrations Additional pathophysiology, including cellular injury.

Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Enhanced Second Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access
ISBN: 978-1-284-05730-0
In detail, Navigate 2 Advantage Access for Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Enhanced Second Edition is a digital-only Access Code that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytic reporting tools.
In conclusion, with Navigate 2, technology and content combine to expand the reach of your classroom. Whether you teach an online, hybrid, or traditional classroom-based course, Navigate 2 delivers unbeatable value. Experience Navigate 2 today at