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WARNING Regarding Copying from EMSTesting Exams

The Platinum Educational Group (that owns emstesting.com) has beefed up their tracking software to try and put a stop to dishonest students across the U.S. from distributing questions out to others.  Be aware that you MAY not copy and paste, screen clip or otherwise take material from emstesting (or even from our course lectures and …

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Deadlines for EMT, P1 and P2

When you enrolled in the program initially, there was a segment on the admissions page where it delineated clearly your deadlines for your course or courses.  It stated: >>Each Program in our School has deadlines by which students are expected to complete didactic and/or the overall Class or Program.  They are: EMT – 3 months for completing through …

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Note Regarding Research/Module Exams

These “research exams” are designed so that you may have to go research, find the answers, and some questions may be asked a little out of sequence to where you are in the course.  But the purpose is to make you critically think, put information together, and even go ahead and find the answers. We …

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Pharmacology Qualifying Exam Issues

We were reviewing test attempts on the Pharmacology Qualifying Exam and it appears that quite a few students fail this proctored exam one or more times.  The exam has been validated for quite some time, is straightforward, and was even tested on a 10th grade High School student who knew nothing about Pharmacology.  She passed …

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Roll Call Issues, Deadlines and Extensions

Logging into percomcourses.com and into your class weekly is how we take “roll call” to ensure you are meeting the requirement that you attend weekly.  After you complete your final exam and start skills and rotations, you still must continue to do the weekly “roll call”  So you are required to continue to log in …

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Clinical Scheduling – IMPORTANT!!!!

This post is to REINFORCE policies that are either already posted in Announcements Archives, your Clinical Manual, your Student Handbook, or all of the above. Mrs. Williams had been attempting to help students who had trouble giving 30 days notice by shortening that policy in her emails and handling student requests.  But some students have …

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