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500 A Instructor Students

I will be out of the office with limited or no access to email beginning Thursday, February 3-12, 2022. Should you send in assignments via email, I will acknowledge them when I return.  Should you mail your final presentation (USB), please send me an email containing the date sent along with a tracking number.  There …

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National Registry Board Approves Provisional Certification

March 20, 2020 at 1:09 p.m. Responding to the nationwide need for Emergency Medical Services personnel and the social-distancing public health guidance, the Executive Committee of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians gave emergency approval to add a Provisional Certification. The Provisional Certification will be automatically assigned to any candidate that (1) completes an …

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Overall Course Deadline Issues

March 16, 2020 at 9:10 a.m. If you are current and are enrolled in EMT, AEMT or Paramedic with us and have completed Final Exam, we are in the process of giving you a free two month extension on your overall course deadline due to issues with rotation sites cancelling or not scheduling students over …

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Deadlines are Important!!

To clarify, each of you were given deadlines regarding completion of one or more portions of your course. For Instructor Students, you get one overall deadline by which everything has to be done and submitted. For the rest of you, you have a “didactic” deadline and an “overall” deadline. The didactic deadline is the time …

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Change on Psychomotor Exams for NREMT-Advanced (AEMT)

Effective December 2nd, 2019, there will only be NINE stations to test for AEMT for NREMT instead of TEN.  They are dropping specific skills testing for spinal immobilization supine and for including spinal immobilization seated as a possibility on the random skills.  If it is indicated based on the scenario in either of the Patient …

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Email ISP Issue Reminder

Some of you chose to enroll by using other email service providers other than gmail.  This does create issues, especially if you use yahoo.  Many of these email clients have very restrictive spam/trash/junk mail filters and automatically think that emails from percomonline.com or JotForm are spam/junk or trash and automatically filter to those boxes without …

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Reminder About Mandatory Weekly Participation

Remember, ALL students are required to CONTINUE to log into the coursework section on this website weekly even after taking and passing final exam and until you have completed all graduation requirements.  This is MANDATORY and is the way we take weekly “roll call” just like you showing up for class. You can be dropped …

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